Cheap ESP32-CAM Home Assistant ESPHome Camera Guide

ESP32-CAM within Home Assistant
ESP32-CAM within Home Assistant

I’ve been integrating my entire home into Home Assistant using as much open-source software and hardware as possible. Recently I’ve wanted to add some additional cameras to my home such as a camera to monitor my HVAC / water heater.

Although I already have 6 Unifi cameras integrated into the home those are extremely expensive (and frankly availability is poor on them as well). I don’t need a camera that costs hundreds of dollars to watch my utilities area.

Fortunately there’s an extremely widely available and cheap solution called the ESP32-CAM! These have been around for years and are one of the most popular ESP32 products. Since it uses ESP32 we can use ESPHome and Home Assistant to add a super cheap camera anywhere you’d like.

In this guide I’ll show my ESP32-CAM setup and how to configure it within Home Assistant and ESPHome. Let’s get started!

Hardware Used


The ESP32-CAM-MB supports WiFi / Bluetooth / BTLE for connectivity and uses a OV2640 2MP camera module

Links:*, AliExpress*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*


First let’s take a look at the ESP32-CAM:

ESP32-CAM - Top View
ESP32-CAM – Top View

This is exactly how it came except you can see that I glued the image sensor in place. It comes detached but I intend to mount it pretty much exactly how you see it so I used some glue and permanently attached the sensor to the SD card slot. Be careful not to get any glue inside the SD card slot if you try this (and use less glue than I did).

Notice that there are two pieces here:

ESP32-CAM - Top View
ESP32-CAM – Top View

Not all listings give you both and some will only give you the ESP32-CAM part of the board. If you already have devices you can use with it to power the camera this is fine but most people will want to pick up the listing that comes with both boards. The micro USB port to power the board is on the second board as you can see above.

Here is the area I wanted to add a camera to:

ESP32-CAM Target Area
ESP32-CAM Target Area

This is my HVAC / utilities indoor area. On the very far right is a newer type of water softener that is much more efficient (which is why it has that really small salt can next to it). In the middle is my water heater and the on the left is the HVAC system.

I’ve had issues before where the pipe leading from the HVAC system has got knocked away from the drain and the water will start backing up. Having a camera here lets me easily spot problems like this and address them before it becomes a *really* big problem.

Adding ESPHome to Home Assistant

We are going to assume you have Home Assistant installed as installing Home Assistant is outside the scope of this guide. You can absolutely follow along though and see if it looks like something you’d like to explore. I have it installed as a supervised installation on an Orange Pi 5.

Sign into your Home Assistant instance and go to “Settings” and then “Add-ons”. Next click the “Add-on Store”.

ESPHome has it’s own section like this:

Home Assistant Add-on Store - ESPHome
Home Assistant Add-on Store – ESPHome

Select ESPHome and then click “Install”. Once the installation is finished you can click “Start” to start the service.

To make things easier choose to add the ESPHome option to your sidebar. That way you’ll see a menu choice specifically for ESPHome going forward.

Configuring ESPHome

First head to the ESPHome menu option:

ESPHome Configuration Menu
ESPHome Configuration Menu

If you don’t see the ESPHome menu option then go back to the “Add-on Store” from the previous step. Select ESPHome and enable “Show in sidebar”.

For setup we need to connect your camera to your device running Home Assistant with USB. This is only required for setup. It will communicate wirelessly after you’ve completed setup (if you configure it that way).

You also have the option of connecting it to a different computer but *only* if your Home Assistant instance is configured to run in HTTPS.

Click “New Device” in the bottom right hand menu. Follow the menus to add the device into your ESPHome instance. Choose “ESP32” as the device type.

Now install the configuration to the device.

Adding Device to Home Assistant

Now head back to your “Settings” menu for Home Assistant and click “Devices”. You should see your new sensor with the name you specified in the configuration.

Check to see if the sensor is online. With any luck it is like my example above. Now click “Configure”:

Home Assistant - Devices Menu - Configure ESPHome
Home Assistant – Devices Menu – Configure ESPHome

It should ask you if you want to add the node to Home Assistant. Select “Submit” and then it will ask you for your encryption key it gave us earlier. If you don’t have this just go back to the ESPHome menu and select “Edit”. You will see the key in plain text under “encryption” and then “key”.

If everything goes well the device should come online and be successfully paired with Home Assistant. From this point forward we will be able to update and push the configuration wirelessly to the device.

Adding Camera to YAML

Now your device should be available in Home Assistant but you won’t see a camera feed yet. We’re going to add that now. Go back to ESPHome and go to your new camera. Click “Edit”.

  name: cam-utilities-indoor
  friendly_name: cam-utilities-indoor

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging
  level: VERBOSE
  tx_buffer_size: 256

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "XXXX"
  services:  # change camera parameters on-the-fly
  - service: camera_set_param
      name: string
      value: int
      - lambda: |-
          bool state_return = false;
          if (("contrast" == name) && (value >= -2) && (value <= 2)) { id(espcam).set_contrast(value); state_return = true; }
          if (("brightness" == name) && (value >= -2) && (value <= 2)) { id(espcam).set_brightness(value); state_return = true; }
          if (("saturation" == name) && (value >= -2) && (value <= 2)) { id(espcam).set_saturation(value); state_return = true; }
          if (("special_effect" == name) && (value >= 0U) && (value <= 6U)) { id(espcam).set_special_effect((esphome::esp32_camera::ESP32SpecialEffect)value); state_return = true; }
          if (("aec_mode" == name) && (value >= 0U) && (value <= 1U)) { id(espcam).set_aec_mode((esphome::esp32_camera::ESP32GainControlMode)value); state_return = true; }
          if (("aec2" == name) && (value >= 0U) && (value <= 1U)) { id(espcam).set_aec2(value); state_return = true; }
          if (("ae_level" == name) && (value >= -2) && (value <= 2)) { id(espcam).set_ae_level(value); state_return = true; }
          if (("aec_value" == name) && (value >= 0U) && (value <= 1200U)) { id(espcam).set_aec_value(value); state_return = true; }
          if (("agc_mode" == name) && (value >= 0U) && (value <= 1U)) { id(espcam).set_agc_mode((esphome::esp32_camera::ESP32GainControlMode)value); state_return = true; }
          if (("agc_value" == name) && (value >= 0U) && (value <= 30U)) { id(espcam).set_agc_value(value); state_return = true; }
          if (("agc_gain_ceiling" == name) && (value >= 0U) && (value <= 6U)) { id(espcam).set_agc_gain_ceiling((esphome::esp32_camera::ESP32AgcGainCeiling)value); state_return = true; }
          if (("wb_mode" == name) && (value >= 0U) && (value <= 4U)) { id(espcam).set_wb_mode((esphome::esp32_camera::ESP32WhiteBalanceMode)value); state_return = true; }
          if (("test_pattern" == name) && (value >= 0U) && (value <= 1U)) { id(espcam).set_test_pattern(value); state_return = true; }
          if (true == state_return) {
          else {
            ESP_LOGW("esp32_camera_set_param", "Error in name or data range");

  password: "XXXX"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  power_save_mode: none


  id: espcam
  name: esp-cam
    pin: GPIO0
    frequency: 10MHz
    sda: GPIO26
    scl: GPIO27
  data_pins: [GPIO5, GPIO18, GPIO19, GPIO21, GPIO36, GPIO39, GPIO34, GPIO35]
  vsync_pin: GPIO25
  href_pin: GPIO23
  pixel_clock_pin: GPIO22
  power_down_pin: GPIO32
  resolution: 800x600
  jpeg_quality: 10  # max. 63
  max_framerate: 1.0fps
  idle_framerate: 0.2fps
  vertical_flip: true
  horizontal_mirror: false
  brightness: 2 # -2 to 2
  contrast: 1 # -2 to 2
  special_effect: none
  # exposure settings
  aec_mode: auto
  aec2: false
  ae_level: 0
  aec_value: 300
  # gain settings
  agc_mode: auto
  agc_gain_ceiling: 2x
  agc_value: 0
  # white balance setting
  wb_mode: auto
# white LED
  - platform: ledc
    channel: 2
    pin: GPIO4
    id: espCamLED
# red status light
  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO33
      inverted: True
    id: gpio_33
  - platform: monochromatic
    output: espCamLED
    name: esp-cam light
  - platform: binary
    output: gpio_33
    name: esp-cam led
  - platform: restart
    name: esp-cam restart
  - platform: status
    name: esp-cam status

Make sure to update with your own encryption keys (or use the ones that were automatically generated). I’ve replaced mine with XXXX.

Final Result

I ended up installing the camera here:

ESP32-CAM Installed
ESP32-CAM Installed

This is the top port of my network setup plug showing the Minoston Z-Wave power monitoring plug. I’ve covered that here and have more pictures of it in that article if you’d like to see a wider shot.

Within Home Assistant it looks like this:

ESP32-CAM within Home Assistant
ESP32-CAM within Home Assistant

And here’s the device entities:

ESP32-CAM - Home Assistant Entities
ESP32-CAM – Home Assistant Entities

You can see here we have a WiFi signal indicator, a restart switch and controls to turn on the ESP32-CAM’s LED as well as the white onboard light.


The ESP32-CAM is an incredibly good and cost effective choice to use for Home Assistant. With ESPHome we can ensure we are programming the device ourselves using open source software and not sharing any of our data with the cloud. At a cost of less than $20 it’s a really easy and cheap way to add a camera view anywhere you have a decent WiFi signal.

Getting it working can be pretty tricky to be honest mostly because there’s a lot of different models out there so the example configs might not always work properly. I have a few tricks in my YAML that seem to stabilize things such as setting the external clock frequency to 10MHz. If I set the resolution very far above 800×600 I’d get messages in my log file that my TCP send buffer was full. The device is definitely starting to show some age. It’s using a pretty old ESP32 chip (ESP32-S1).

If you have a spot that you need to monitor in a low resolution then this is a great <$20 completely open source solution. It doesn’t perform very well in high resolutions with the included ESP32 module. Undoubtedly you can use a better/newer ESP32 module and get better performance.

I’ll be exploring some slightly more expensive camera options that may be appropriate for places you need a higher resolution or better performance. This solution has been around for a long time and it’s starting to show it’s age which is why I only recommend it for a use case like this.

I’ll be covering some other ESP32 camera options coming up on the site including options from Adafruit and Seeed Studios (Grove). I’ll also be covering some thermal camera modules that can be used with ESP32 in the near future here. These will all cost more but will deliver higher performance. Definitely stay tuned!

Other Resources

I’ve also made a really cool Home Assistant / ESPHome WiFi action key here

You can also make a Home Assistant / ESPHome enabled action button

I’ve covered making a ESP32 air quality sensor (7-in-1) without soldering here

All of my Home Assistant related articles can be seen here

24 thoughts on “Cheap ESP32-CAM Home Assistant ESPHome Camera Guide”

  1. Avatar for Mr.Gosh

    THX for the Post – any Idea what could cause this Error:

    ========================= [SUCCESS] Took 65.69 seconds =========================
    INFO Successfully compiled program.
    INFO Connecting to port 3232…
    ERROR Connecting to port 3232 failed: [Errno 113] No route to host
    ERROR Connection failed.

    EDIT: Nevermind – it was really related to a poor quality micro usb cable.
    Just because you can use it to flash thew device doesn’t mean it can be used to power the esp32cam – something i didn’t expect.

    Thanks for the project.

    How would you add the horizontal and vertical flip options to homeassistant switches? Or can’t that be changed during runtime?

    1. Avatar for James A. Chambers

      Hello Herbert,

      Great question! So the answer is yes and no. When you build the update the first time it will cache it. If you have multiple cameras it will then use this cached copy and it will be *way* faster.

      However, if you only have one camera, then each update is only going to need to be built once anyway. This will probably be faster than the very first time still (because it has to download dependencies the first time you build). It will still take a lot longer than a cached update though but if you only have one camera you will typically only update once per update.

      Hopefully that helps!

  2. Avatar for Josiah

    Hi there, will this YAML work without these lines below:

    ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
    password: !secret wifi_password
    power_save_mode: none

    I’m not sure I like the idea of having my devices attached to a website by an external 3rd party.

    1. Avatar for James A. Chambers

      Hello Josiah,

      That field is looking for a network domain (like a domain in Windows). It has nothing to do with a web site.

      If you don’t change it from my network nothing will happen. Your computers and network aren’t joined to It’s not looking for a web site.

      If you type ipconfig /all like this:

      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
      Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) I211 Gigabit Network Connection
      Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 18-C0-4D-8B-52-38
      DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
      Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
      Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::fa10:3543:bb17:bd6%18(Preferred)
      IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
      Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
      Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Friday, April 12, 2024 3:23:21 AM
      Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Saturday, April 13, 2024 11:24:41 AM
      Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
      DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
      DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 102285389
      DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-2C-87-BB-26-18-C0-4D-8B-52-38
      DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
      NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled

      See how it says my connection specific DNS suffix is That’s because my Windows machine is joined to the domain Yours likely won’t be joined to anything unless it’s a work machine.

      In other words go ahead and take them out. It won’t do anything anyways and you should be changing it to your own. Hopefully that helps!

  3. Avatar for Knuj

    I have 2 cameras working without any issues. But due to the location they are exposed to light conditions that exceed the auto settings capability. As I can see a lambda function in the YAML file I assume it it possible to to adjust parameters like exposure with a slider. But my knowledge in writing software is not at a level so i can do this without a guideline. Have you tried adding this kind of functionality to HA or seen other do it ?

    1. Avatar for James A. Chambers

      Hey Knuj,

      Great question! The way I use them now though is via the automations. All of those lambda fields can be changed by automations / code. If you go to your “Settings” menu and then choose “Automations and scenes” click to create a new automation in the bottom right.

      Because of the lambda section you’ll have an option in your actions to call camera_set_param to change these like this:

      ESPCam Automation

      Choose to “call a service” from the dropdown for your action and type esphome in the field and you should see your camera with the set_camera_param option. You can set any parameters you would like in the “name” field that are defined in the lambda section. Here I have agc_gain_ceiling and I’m telling it to set it to 1 when this automation runs.

      You don’t have to do this as an automation though. In “Automations and scenes” you’ll also see a “Scripts” tab. You can go in there and just create a new script. You’ll see the second section lets you add an “Action” just like the automations do. You can pick the “Call service” option again for ESPHome’s set_camera_param and set the parameter to what you would like. Once you’ve saved the script you can click the 3 dots on the right hand side of the menu and click “Run” on the newly added script. You’ll see the camera feed update pretty quickly after you run the script.

      I’d recommend just doing it this way rather than trying to implement a slider unless you think you will need to adjust it often. For me this was more than enough as I did adjust some parameters but once they were locked in I just use those now and never worried about implementing a slider to do it as I just needed to find the right settings for my situation once and then set them using automations or scripts.

      It’s probably possible to implement these API calls within Home Assistant as a slider but I did not go that far. If anyone does that let me know and I’ll update and add it to the article (with my thanks).

      Hopefully that helps!

      1. Avatar for Pete

        Hi James

        Awesome post. I’m new to ESPHome and had no idea you could do things like the actions you showed in your post.

        This got me all excited and I went rather nuts with creating a fullblown setup that creates entities within HA. It was a rather long and tedious trial and error process, and I found some things (like switches) just don’t seem to be stable (perhaps an issue with my particular ESP32 card, or perhaps it has to do with the ESP32-Camera component of ESPHome not having any method to return the status of the camera sensor without doing a full dump.) I tried dozens of methods and while they all created switches, and some even worked for a little while, eventually they always returned to a state where they would trigger and then flip back to the previous state and stop working.

        I eventually gave up on using on/off switches for the 3 possible switch controls (flip, mirror, aec 2) and used selection components with on/off options in the dropdowns. Not ideal, but it works. And how often are you going to change these…

        If you’d like the yaml (full of comments) and screenshots of the ESPHome page this created, and the Dashboard I created for my ESP32-S3-Wroom (Freenove) camera card, let me know. (I’m guessing you can see the email address I used to post this)

        Thanks again.

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